You’re good with or without ’em.

by | May 18, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom It resonates: There’s a truth that is hiding in the shadows; a situation that has yet to reveal itself to you and you are impatient with this process. Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio energies are present. You have to make the ultimate decision of doing what you need, for the betterment of your sanity. I sense that someone is making excuses, which is making it difficult for you to move efficiently. You will have to link with your allies for insight. Sagittarius, Aries, Leo energies are present. Spirit says trust your intuition and allow things to unfold. Pushing the issue will only make things worst. You will soon realize that this was all meant for the greater good. You may be heartbroken, but you will break your own heart by drawing your own conclusions. Live your life and try not to worry about the things that you cannot control because your upcoming endeavors i.e social life, plans, travels are looking hella sweet with or without this person.



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