Your true emotions.

by | Feb 7, 2023 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To Whom It Resonates: Today you may be challenged by your person to do something out of your norm. Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio energies are present. Something may have triggered you into being silent and you will need to say how you feel in the moment, as opposed to waiting until things blow over. The challenge is to grasp a hold of your emotions and to see things from both sides. This may be difficult for you because although you may have good intentions with distancing yourself, this lack of understanding causes unnecessary fall outs. Ask yourself, “Why do I feel jealous when…?” Answer this question honestly and then approach the situation with your findings. You’ll be able to give more of yourself when you identify and honor the parts of you that you suppress when you feel intimidated. The plot twist is, everything you think that you are missing is an illusion. It’s time for you to face your fear of feeling silly with expressing your true emotions and allow things to flow. Once you start to see the value in honest communication, you will be able to show up for your person in remarkable ways.



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