Your intuition is your guide.

by | May 21, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: there was an ending that occurred recently or you may be in the process of going through a breakup or separation of some sort. Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio energies are present. Someone seems to be on the receiving end of a bad decision that was made. Perhaps your person had many options and didn’t clue you in on it. Libra & scorpio energies are present. You may be feeling worthless right now and uncertain of what steps to take next, but you are worthy of a love that is healthy and abundant. You are worthy of being chosen first. Your self worth is what you should acknowledge. Do know that if someone does not see your value, then that person doesn’t deserve your loyalty. I see that you are assessing the situation for what is and looking towards taking intentional steps for a positive change and outlook. Someone definitely lost interest in this connection and due to both parties not actively working on it, it fell apart. Your intuition is your guide, use it to guide you to a better outcome. I see karma in the works but that is not something that you should be dwelling on. allow yourself to feel and to do things that will make you happy for once. The past is the past and all you have is, “now.” I also see a new relationship on the horizon but you should take it slowly. Do not jump into another relationship to soothe your pain from the current one. You could also be considering getting back with the person who was dishonest with you. They are not going to change right now. They are also used to you taking them back at the drop of a dime. Your spirit guides are telling you to consider the options that suit your soul and emotional needs.



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