You walked away.

by | Dec 6, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: Their feelings toward you are pure love and admiration. I see the energy of someone who wants another opportunity to try at this relationship with you again. You may have walked away from this connection to gain a better sense of what life would be like without this person. You may have walked away to find yourself again. This person’s life has not been the same since you left and I sense that you can feel this as well. They have been blaming themself for everything that went wrong and while they may be the main person to blame, you have to own up to your part as well. Maybe you didn’t communicate how you be treated very clearly or maybe you allowed your boundaries to be violated in the name of love. Your guides are suggesting that you analyze the situation from both perspectives, while you are in this period of isolation away from this person because when they are around, it clouds your judgement. I sense that this relationship can blossom into something special and unbreakable if you both take the time apart to understand yourself as individuals. This reunion may take a while to be rekindled, but use this time alone to grow, love on yourself, and build up that goddess/god energy, so that next go round you’ll be headed to the alter in true bliss.



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