You got this.

by | Nov 7, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: Today you should focus on being more optimistic even as things are not going as planned. Your challenge may be listening and adhering to the guidelines because they don’t make sense to you or you simply do not respect the person who is relaying the information. In the past, this passive aggressive, over-bearing tactic worked in your favor, but this is not the best approach. Your colleagues are aware that you are a force to be reckoned with and a voice of reason, but you have to use this voice in a kind, constructive way, instead of demeaning and destructive. Think before you react and speak, this will be your crown and glory today. you may feel that you’re being done unjustly but look at the bigger picture. Why are you fighting so hard? look within yourself and find peace, look for the solution in the midst of the conflict and take the high road. Embrace these changes and watch your day transform for the better. The people around you may not be the best at managing tasks that you complete with ease which may be frustrating for you. Try to be patient and explain things with grace and you’ll see how easy this day will become. You’re worried that you’ll always be fighting this losing battle of being unheard or your talents not being appreciated, however, if you project a positive, can do attitude, the results will be pretty amazing. You got this.



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