You cannot hide anymore.

by | May 14, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

I sense that someone has a whole lot to give and has been doing just that. in the form of money, as if you are now embracing a life motto of, “Freely give, freely receive.” Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn energies are present. Your drawback is that you may be placing yourself at will of other people’s greed and manipulation because they know, that you will be lease likely to tell them, “no.” This is why you may be feeling as if your energy is being drained or you may be feeling unappreciated. Ask yourself, “Why do I need others approval so much right now?” I sense that you may be feeling guilty about something; Maybe you are trying to overcompensate for lost time. Virgo energy is present. Deep down you know that you cannot use money and things to fix your relationships. That’s like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound. I see that someone wants to fix things with you just as much as you would like to fix things with them, but neither of you are addressing the issues head on. You’re putting on a front and you both can feel it. Working towards the bigger picture means addressing the things that is wrinkling the bigger picture. I feel that because you have been investing so much time into your work in the past, your personal relationships suffered, so you now have to give this same time to the relationships that you neglected. You need to communicate your intentions instead of apologizing with expensive gifts. Your person or family simply needs to hear straight from you, that you neglected them. You cannot hide behind money anymore. Gemini, Aquarius, Libra energies are present.



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