What matters the most

by | May 19, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

I see that you are reflecting on the past quite a bit today. Just a year or so ago your relationship was smooth sailing and currently everything seems to be on autopilot. I sense that you are looking for answers because you may feel as though things are going too good. I see that you get in your own way a lot and have used this mentality to sabotage relationships due to unhealed traumas and insecurity. You may be feeling this way due to depressive thoughts and have even created the idea that your partner is not being completely honest with you. Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio energies are present. Your person is feeling the blunt end of your emotion and it is very important you express your feelings so that you can address the issues that you are having, together. Sagittarius, Aries, Leo energies are present. You have even sensed them pulling back from you but it is not due to infidelity, it’s because of your lack of participation. You have to try to allow then back in to assist you. This is your soulmate, they truly are heart by your passive aggression. The key now is to communicate. Gemini, Aquarius, Energies are present.



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