Try again.

by | May 29, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: It can be rather difficult to release the past or to consider a healthy productive mindset towards a future relationship due to your not so great past experience. It can be a rude awakening for one to uncover what they once knew is of no significance to his/her true path, thus leaving you with a hard, cold truth. You are constantly evolving and one experience cannot define your character, existence, or worthiness. The best approach to elevate from where you currently are, is to realize and recognize that you know nothing at all. Your experiences are not meaningless or punishments unless clearly stated by your karma. When you have genuine intentions and things still goes wrong, IT IS NOT A PUNISHMENT & does not make you a failure, but a student of experience. You are not the bad decisions that you have made. You may have felt in the recent past that you lost all sense of your creativity and has nothing to offer anyone anymore, but that is farthest from the truth. Gemini, Aquarius, Libra energies are present. Why don’t you feel worthy enough to try again? You are worthy enough, despite your shortcomings, but you have to address the doubtful nature that you have acquired in the midst of adversity. You may be feeling down or may thought yourself into an anxious, boxed in corner so it’s hard to see the light. Your spirit guides are telling you to open your eyes and see that this experience was to prepare you for the best that is yet to come. What goes up, must come down and vice versa. Your life will change when you commit to a process that is not self-sabotaging. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn energies are present.



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