Trust that it will.

by | Nov 9, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: In this moment you may be feeling as though you cannot seem to grasp a hold of your life. Everything may seem to be falling around you and you just can’t get on task. The real challenge is your mind and everything that you are obsessively thinking about. Last night was probably difficult to stay asleep because you couldn’t stop replaying the events of the day and your life over and over again. It’s not insomnia, it’s just your complicated approach to the simplest of things. Your focus should be on what’s in front of you. Take one step at a time. You may feel that you were so close to making IT happen in the recent past and dropped the ball. You must get a hold of your emotions and realize that life is what you make it and your past does not define who you are. This season of feeling like a failure can only be addressed and fixed by you. Notice everything starts and ends with…YOU. The beauty in this is that if you start to see things for what the y are, you will come up out of this emotional and mental rut. Work on the MAIN THING that you have been neglecting with positive intentions and things will turn around, but you have to trust that it will.



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