This is major.

by | Dec 13, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

to whom it resonates: I sense an energy of someone who is tasked with taking the lead on a major project and this is a huge opportunity for you, but a part of you is questioning if you’re ready. It’s not your typical workflow and you are not that familiar with the process, but you are the person for the position because it’s not about experience, it’s about resilience and tactfulness. You inspire people around you to see the potential in themself when they are blinded by their own debilitating beliefs. You give the best advice, build team momentum, and delegate responsibilities like a boss, but from a worker’s position, this is why you are the right person for the job. If you allow fear to steer you away from this opportunity, I guarantee that you in the long run, you will regret it. You worked so hard to break old habits and are constantly challenging yourself to do better so this is your reward. This is the universe’s way of holding the door open for you. It will be overwhelming at first, but you have the tools and resources to overcome the initial hardship. Have faith in your abilities because in the next 90 days or so, you’ll be on another level.



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