The help will come.

by | May 15, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

Someone woke up today with a heavy heart because you may have squandered a large amount of money. this may have been funds that you worked extremely hard for and it took quite a while to save it and now you are down to little to none. Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn energies are present. The frightening part for you at the moment is that you haven’t disclosed this loss to your significant other as yet. If you’re single, you haven’t disclosed this information to the person who gave you the money who expected you to invest it. The longer you wait to reveal the circumstance, the bigger the loss will feel. I Also sense that this could be a loss from a business, whereas you spent a business loan and are now trying to figure out how to come back up with the funds. I sense that you considered the thought of taking out a 2nd loan but decided against it because you know that it would be best to keep the debt at a minimum. You may now be accepting the considerable fact, that you either have a gambling problem or you need a course or two on money management. Nonetheless, everyone makes mistakes, it’s a prerequisite for being human. The solution to get up out of this is to simply own up to your mistake, swallow your pride, & communicate. Although the damage is already done, it is not the end of the world. The only way out is to communicate the loss, take the backlash, and then the help will come.



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