That’s all you need.

by | Jun 30, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: You may be realizing that the time has come to really understand what a relationship would mean to you at this point. What is it that you need to do to heal so that you can truly appreciate love when it’s right and not mistake it for someone trying to hurt you. Gemini, Aquarius, Libra energies are present. You may feel as though a relationship right now is not the best move for you considering that you are still picking up the pieces and picking apart the details from the last one. You really want to grow FOR REAL, FOR REAL from this one. You’re maturing emotionally and what you love most about your overall stance on relationships is that you are aware that YOU need to grow and understand yourself clearly in order to put your best foot forward. Your best relationship right now is the one that you have with yourself. You have to allow things to flow and watch the process work for you instead of trying to control it. Your guides know that not having control of your situation is scary for you because you have others best interest at heart which is why it’s important to focus on your healing and well-being. You have to see the beauty of your circumstance through your own eyes and respect whatever view that is. What you still do not know about love is that it will not always look like your blueprint and you will learn to be patient and reserve yourself to attract the right love next go round. Patience love, that’s all you need.



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