by | Dec 10, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: I sense an energy of someone that is laying low before they make a move. They are out of their element and feeling as though they may have lost control of you or the situation as a whole. this is an energy of a person that is watching your every move by way of mutual friends, social media, and may even have installed a spyware on your phone. This person seems to be inspired by your reluctance to comply with their demands. Sagittarius, Aries, Leo energies are present. You seem to know how to keep this person at bay, so you’re playing right along with them. The issue with this is that there are some silly prizes at the end of this game. Your spirit guides are challenging you to tap out. First, by factory resetting your phone or any device that this person may have had access to in the past. I sense an obsessive energy that will do ANYTHING to satisfy their wants. I also see that you want everything to stay just the same so that you can prove that you have been going through this mess for a while now. However, you have to do what’s need RIGHT NOW for you and your family’s safety. I also see a court date in the near future. TELL THE TRUTH. This message from your guides was so LOUD and powerful. Although the truth will separate your family for a while, it will eventually pay off and be the best decision that you have made in a very long time. TELL THE TRUTH.



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