To whom it resonates: You are going to have to put your all in. You cannot go 1/2 and I mean ALL IN, to see it through to this next level of ascension. I see that you are passionate about your work and all you see is the finish line. Leo, Sagittarius, Aries energies are present. Your spirit guides are telling you that you are built for this and you simply need to apply your self by constantly challenging yourself to get out of your comfort zone. This new venture will bring you so much purpose. You have been traveling in your mind, going to exotic places and creating these possible scenarios and now you have the opportunity to truly manifest it. Prepare your words to sanction the assistance that you need for this new venture. You will have to constantly change and that may have been something that you struggled with in the past but you now have the courage to take flight. You may have been inspired by a recent event that showed you how much meaning life really has. That trip that you were invited to this past weekend needs a deposit. Take the trip.