by | Sep 4, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: You are a strong-willed person who always seems to have the right answers, even when you are unsure of yourself at first. You move in a magical way that inspires the people around you to see the highest potential in them self which is so beautiful and pure. You may be trying to figure out what it is that you’re missing right now because there is a void in your life at the moment. I sense that you cannot retrieve the answers so quickly at this time and this energy is causing you to back away from much of everything and it is causing the people around you to wonder. You need to choose your friends more wisely. This is not to say that you are not wise because we all fall short at times, but you are feeling inadequate because of the low vibrational frequencies that you have allowed to overstay their welcome in your life. Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio energies are present. Spending time alone is just as important as taking time to unwind in good company but you have to relinquish the urge to fix people who do not want to be fixed. You are at a pivotal stage in your life and now is not the time to sulk about who cannot move forward with you. Embrace that GOD/GODDESS energy, recharge, & release.



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