Set Clear boundaries.

by | May 20, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: I sense that someone is not being completely honest about their truth in business.. I see that you may be standing your ground because you may have been led to believe things that were not true in a partnership of some sort so now you are being very cautious. I see that someone is not saying exactly what they are thinking and it could be tied to something deceitful. Gemini, Aquarius, Libra energies are present. It’s as if you are being given variations of what you should know to pacify you to stay, under false circumstances. They know that if they told you everything, you would more than likely abort the mission. I also sense that this person is trying their best to put on a front that everything is ok and it’s really not. You are over this.You’ve made some amazing friends and colleagues, you’ve touched large sums of money and gave away just as much, but you can’t see yourself staying in the long run because you have grown from this situation. The connections that you have made will still be available to you when you break away from this job or contract. Look at this situation from a bird’s eye view and try to understand why you allowed yourself to be subjected to this injustice for so long. When you truthfully answer that question, you won’t feel remorse for leaving. You are an empath, you consider the feelings and actions of others before your own and that’s not a crime, but you have to remember to care for your well-being by setting clear boundaries. Sagittarius, Aries, Leo energies are present.



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