Roll with that.

by | Jan 10, 2023 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To Whom It Resonates: It’s obvious that you would like to go with the flow instead of against it as you have been doing lately. It’s only right that you would want things to work out in your favor because for the most part, it seems as though the odds are against you. The recent past has been tough mainly because of the dishonest choices that you have made. You are out of balance with your actions versus what you feel. Picking arguments to get your point across may give you the power in the moment, but you will always end up feeling defeated in the long run. You may have robbed peter to pay Paul, but now you need to set the record straight. Throwing stones and hiding your hands was the name of your game when you didn’t know better. You must first understand that the only way that you will catch a break is if you start taking responsibility for your actions NOW. The solution shows that you are not facing your truth because you feel as though you are too far gone to be helped, but that is farthest from the truth. This path that you’re on is a downward spiral. I sense that you can be redeemed by simply clearing the air. All you have right now to save yourself is your truth. Roll with that.



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