Reach out.

by | Jun 6, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: I sense that someone feels stuck in their situation. You daydream quite often about what things could possibly be but you have gotten so comfortable with the way that things are, that you are not making a real effort to see any changes. I see that someone feels trapped in a relationship and maybe you do not want to be apart of this connection anymore, but you have so many ties with this person so it’s difficult to move on. I also see that you are being patient but the longer you wait, the worst you feel. At some point along the line, you lost your confidence. Look within yourself and identify what you believe to be missing. When you make this identification, you can then build your confidence again. Once you achieve this, you will be able to work on other areas of your life. You deserve happiness, the healthy kind, but if you are only familiar with toxic love, you will not be able to appreciate a sound one. Most importantly, you have to love yourself enough to want better. Now is the time to reach out for assistance before you do anything that you will regret.



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