Radio Silent.

by | Jul 26, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

TO whom it resonates: You may have a received a message from someone that you may have judged in the wrong way. Maybe you assumed it meant one thing and you were totally incorrect. For this reason, you decided to go radio silent out of sheer embarrassment. THere’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I sense a self-centered energy but it’s coming from a place of lack, whereas you are not being kind to yourself so you at times are on the defense. Your insecurities are showing you what you need to work on. Mastering your emotions in a way that you can express them in any environment is not always an easy task, especially if you are worried about how you will be perceived. Gather your thoughts and look within to see why you are so troubled about the simplest of things. Do you feel that you are always explaining your worth? Do you feel taken for granted? Truthfully answer these questions and you will see how easy it is to be truthful with the person you have overreacted with. The trip that they invited you on, was not presumptuous or offered with a malicious intent. Sagittarius, Aries, Leo energies are present. They genuinely want to help.



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