by | Jan 22, 2023 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To Whom It Resonates: I see that you’re currently in a relationship, but you have someone on the outside who doesn’t respect it and wants you to leave your person. You may have lead this person to believe that you were interested in them, but in actuality, you were simply being nice. Your current situation with your person is flowing well and I can see that you do not want to jeopardize that. This person, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio energy, may have gotten the impression that you would consider uprooting your life for them due to the things you’ve casually talked about. Your guides are advising to keep things cordial and to set boundaries with this person. If they cannot respect your relationship, you have to disconnect from the friendship. You also need to respect your own relationship enough to not allow others to violate your union. You may have accepted money from them and used the money to purchase a gift for your significant other. {Well that didn’t age well :/} Here’s some unconventional advice, PAY IT BACK. Oddly, you feel more comfortable taking money from this friend than from your own partner. Why is that? The possible outcome is that you will create a conflict between this friend and your person if you don’t set clear boundaries, NOW.



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