Practice what you preach.

by | Oct 4, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: Today you learned a valuable lesson, or maybe you did not understand why your experience was so hostile at first. You should know that you have to put out the same energy that you will appreciate in return, even if you do not feel the opposing party is on the same page. As a leader, you should always lead by example and when you are being tested, this is not the time to allow your ego to intervene to affect your better judgement. Gemini, Aquarius, Libra energies are present. If you would like to advance into a better position, you cannot pretend that you are happy in your current one. I sense that you see more problems than you do solutions and because you do not want to appear to be weak, you’re ignoring this feeling of lack and it’s going to keep you stagnated if you do not change your perspective. It’s ok to fail, as long as you’re trying, With trying and failing, you have a track record of what not to do next go round and can sharpen your skills to increase the likelihood of success. Utilize what you have available to you NOW. Okay so you’re not big on the small talk & that’s fine, so use these next few days to build relationships offering what you CAN do, instead of expecting things to be done for you. Don’t be discouraged because you’re not getting the result that you want right away. Be patient with your process because this is all a process to see how you will persevere. I see that if you practice what you’ve been preaching this week and allow people to express themself to you without judgement, you’re going to have something to celebrate by the weekend.



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