Pay attention.

by | Sep 14, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: You must prioritize in order of importance to be successful. Pay attention to the people that are encouraging your growth. Pay attention to the people who do not make you feel bad for changing for the better. Pay attention to the people who reminds you of your worth when you are not acknowledging it. Your guides want you to know that you will have a time to celebrate and have fun, but now is the time to set the tone for what you would like to accomplish. Be mindful of your actions and how they affect the people that you care about. don’t take anyone or anything for granted just because things are going well at the moment. You are going to experience a major life changing event that will devastate you at first, but the people that you keep around you now, will be there with you to pick up the pieces. Someone needs to know to handle their loved ones with extreme care, even when things hit the fan. Sagittarius, Aries, Leo energies are present.



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