New beginnings.

by | Jun 5, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To Whom it Resonates: Your situation may seem hard to read at the moment but you can feel the transformation fast approaching. You didn’t go through hell and high waters just to tap out now. I sense that you may be struggling with hearing your intuition because the answers aren’t so clear right now, but you have the strength to persevere. The decision that you may have recently made to change your situation and leave the past behind is a sound one and that’s why you may be confused. Life doesn’t feel the same & it won’t, this is what change feels like; it’s uncomfortable. Your spirit guides are with you every step of the way, you just have to believe in your own abilities and trust your process. Keep moving in accordance with what is right for you and do not feel as though you are being selfish for looking out for your greater good. You have exhausted being the strength for others and now is the time for you to recharge and prepare for what is yet to come. All energies are present.



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