To whom it resonates: You may be feeling overworked or overwhelmed with all that’s on your plate. I sense an energy of someone who feels like they have been given the sh*tty end of the stick for quite sometime and is praying for their breakthrough. Don’t give up on yourself. These experiences are happening because you needed this lesson. You have to put your foot down and decide that you will not accept scraps and take a hold of what you deserve. You put your heart in the hands of others quite often and allow them to decide for you and that is not fair. What is it that YOU want? You have to ask yourself the important questions and answer them HONESTLY, without feeling guilty about it. I sense that you are tired of going through the same things over and over again but now is the time to address your habits. What are you not changing that needs immediate attention right now? It’s time to put yourself to the test and make the uncomfortable decisions.