All is well.

by | Nov 26, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 2 comments

To whom it resonates: I see that you are in an aura of readiness. This is the energy of someone who has been working on every aspect of their life and is ready for whatever! Your concern is that you’re only willing to accept meaningful connections at this time and in order to facilitate that, you need to spend much needed time alone. Keeping people around who are energy vipers and opportunists are an action of the past, but your focus should really be on you at the moment. Work on making better decisions that are servants to your well-being. In the recent past, you may have entertained a relationship or two solely based on how it benefited you, but ignoring your emotional needs. For this reason, you were in a cycle of welcoming this one individual time and time again into your energy, who your guides were trying relentlessly to separate you from. Now that are gaining a better understanding of how beneficial alone time is to differentiate real vs reel, you are more likely to attain your happy ending. I see you surrounding yourself with people that will give you good advice & be supportive of your decisions in the near future. By taking ownership of your actions and standing tall in your purpose, you’ll be running victory laps for the next 6 months. Gemini energies present. Don’t stay too long in hermit mode. Get out and experience things because your energy is needed. You may fear being pulled back into those obsessive thoughts and situations of the past, but with solid execution and attention to your inner-self, you won’t fall short. Give yourself an applause for the growth.



  1. This definitely resonated with me

    • I’m happy it resonated with you
      What’s your Ig handle? #TRIBE


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