Let go of the past.

by | Nov 13, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: If you’re not sensing it already, your guides are highly recommending that you take a mental break. I see that there is a lot of conflict happening at the moment and you are not in the mental state to make important decisions due to cloudy judgement. You may be having internal conflict because there’s a strong sense of indecisiveness and mental anguish. I see that someone is going back and forth within them self about a decision that they have yet to make. Gemini, Aquarius, Libra energies are present. You have to focus on how you can work around feeling down and out and still getting your day-to-day things taken care of. In the recent past, you were down in the dumps about this situation and have been making the same mistakes for months. I sense that someone feels as though they are stuck in this cycle. You have to keep it real with yourself about what happening and stop creating scenarios to imagine the outcome that you want. Ask yourself, “Why am I making excuses for this person?” Or “Why don’t I want to move forward right now?” I see that you will most likely do what’s best to ensure that you don’t lose yourself in all of this, but you have to set clear boundaries.Be realistic about what you want and it will happen after you take action. Your surrounded by people that enable you, so you need to be strong enough to make the sensible decision. Your fear is that you’re going to lose complete access to the benefits that this job or person was supplying and although that may be true, you have to let go of the past to make room for what the universe is trying to connect you with.



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