Keep Moving.

by | Sep 12, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: I sense that you are over and done with being physically available for family who constantly have.been hurting you in the same ways redundantly. You seem to feel a sense of responsibility, to ensure that things are always in order, even when they are beyond your control & that has been a negative reel in your life. It’s time for you to realign your focus. Focusing on who you are & where you’re going, should be your only goal to achieve at this very moment. They see that you have a light that shines beyond their own understanding and it confuses them that you are so… “Different” now. When you move to the beat of your own drum, you will only confuse the ones who do not know your rhythm. You are under no obligation to hide your light because it’s too bright for the ones who claim that they love you. You are being blessed in this season because you are well deserved of such blessings; it’s ok to shed and grow without remorse. Everything that you are being faced with right now is to prepare you for what you have been asking for, but you have to trust your process & most importantly, your intuition. Expect people to say that you are changing and they do not know who you are anymore because it is true, THEY DON’T. Your only objective is to keep changing & elevating. Your guides are teaching you how to take action even when you are uncomfortable; keep Moving.



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