It’s time to go.

by | Feb 2, 2023 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: I see that you are being tested. You may be in a situation where you’re dealing with a manager at your job who is overbearing and disrespectful. Due to this exchange, you’ve been trying to think outside the box as to avoid confrontation. You may be feeling as though you’re being singled out and you’re patience is running thin. The task in connection to this that you reported the issue to the higher ups and nothing as been done about it. You don’t want to lose your job because this is your only source of income, but it’s coming to the point where you just may for lack of a better word, SNAP. Your spirit guides are encouraging you to search for another place of employment, even if that means temporarily taking a pay cut for your peace of mind. I see that this situation is bound to blow out of hand if you do not take initiative and remove yourself. It may seem as though it is not fair, but from the looks of things, you will be the one to blame if you retaliate in the way that you’re considering. Never forget that you are divinely protected. I see that if you just play along and allow this person to believe that they got the upper hand, and then you exit, this new path will bring you so much happiness and good fortune. It’s time to go.



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