in your favor.

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To Whom It Resonates: Reflecting on life matters, especially those involving legal issues and the court system, can be challenging and may leave you feeling cheated out of a situation. It’s natural to feel a sense of injustice when things do not go as planned, but remember that the Universe always finds a way to balance things out in the long run. The key is not to allow these memories to trap you in a cycle of regret and bitterness. Instead, use them as lessons and stepping stones towards your growth. The Empress card in tarot reminds us of the importance of nurturing yourself and embracing your inner strength. She symbolizes abundance, creation, and the power of self-love, encouraging you to cultivate these qualities as you move forward.

The 8 of Cups in tarot speaks to the importance of leaving behind what no longer serves you and embarking on a new journey. It’s a card of transition and moving on from past disappointments. Reflect on your experiences, but don’t dwell on them. Acknowledge the emotions and lessons, then release them to make room for new opportunities and growth. The Universe has a way of aligning things in your favor, even if it’s not immediately apparent. Trust in this process, and allow yourself to embrace the future with hope and determination. You are stronger than any challenge you’ve faced, and by moving on, you open the door to a brighter and more fulfilling path.



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