“I just want to be happy.”

by | Sep 24, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

TO WHOM IT RESONATES: I see that this is an energy of someone who came up with an idea that is MASSIVE. You’ve laid out the blueprint and can clearly see that if executed correctly, you will change the scope of your perspective towards your life. This is big because it’s not so much about the money for you, but the freedom that it would provide if all goes according to plan. I can hear, “I just want to be happy on my own, I’m not asking for much, although I should.” You have to look beyond your reluctance to seek assistance. You are going to embark on this journey without a doubt & it’s going to require some traveling. I sense that you may feel that you have the knowledge to do what’s needed but your only set back will be, your mentality, and that’s only if you do not release the very idea that you are going to be doing this on your own. The people that you will need to assist you will come and you simply have to allow them the opportunity to input their two cents. You may be feeling like this is your time now because you’re in the 2nd stage of your life, around age 30-38 and you just want to do something to set the tone for your legacy. I sense that this new beginning for you is going to put a lot of things into perspective. It’s as if this is your 2nd chance. Don’t blow it by being selfish, be consistent, and listen to your guides, they are within you,



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