Hang in there.

by | May 23, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: This morning you may have woken up with a world of thoughts on your mind. You are so ready for a change in any capacity of a transformation. Sagittarius, Aries, Leo energies are present. I sense that you have been wanting to travel or have been traveling abroad through the stories that you read in books, but it’s time to act on those thoughts. Your guides are telling you that you have to quickly orchestrate better time management in your life and execute things in order of importance. You tend to take on several tasks and not complete them all which is part of the reason why you are not experiencing the changes that you dream of. You may have a new relationship coming your way and this person will really put things into perspective for you; an air sign, possibly a gemini. I see this person introducing you to ideas and ideals that are familiar to you in a traditional sense. Perhaps you will be taking a spiritual journey together or they are a spiritual person, so they will show you a new approach to the ongoing issues that you may have been experiencing. I see you being open to the suggestions and it inspiring you to address past issues that still affect you presently. Your time is coming, simply be open to the changes.



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