Go with the flow, not against it.

by | May 13, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

I sense that you may be holding off from taking the next step in this relationship because you may feel as though you cannot get a handle on the situation. Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio energies are present. I see that you are in a reflective mode at this time, trying to address the things that you may think affected you negatively in the past. I sense someone is trying to own up to their actions in a situation. I also you spending much needed time with your thoughts. It’s important that you are honest with yourself, so that you can truly heal and be the best version of yourself. Communication may not have been your strong point, but you are working on saying what is on your mind and that’s a beautiful thing. You also have to remember that just because you express your feelings, doesn’t mean the person you are expressing those feelings to, will understand you. Gemini, Aquarius, Libra energies are present. I see that you wish things could be the way how you imagined them to be. You have to allow things to flow freely, whether they are flowing away from you or to you, but you must trust that what is yours will be and do not push the issue. Patience is a virtue.



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