Don’t beat around the bush.

by | Dec 4, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: The overall energy is of someone who is accomplished and is actively expanding their empire. You may have made a decision hastily, that impacted your business in a negative way and are trying to figure out how to resolve this without pulling anyone else in to assist. The root of the issue is that you may have given a family member or a childhood friend a position in your organization & they are not delivering as you thought they would. This person was having a difficult time in life and you are in the position to help, but now it’s costing you your peace. Your guides are advising to communicate what the issue is and not beat around the bush before it’s too late and this costs you valuable business connections. You may have a trip planned at this time that you have to postpone if this is not resolved right away. You cannot approach this situation the same way in which you would have when you were younger. You may be dealing with someone who is vibrating on a lower frequency so it’s understandable why you would be cautious of your approach. Fact is, they are not telling you the entire truth about their life. Something is happening with them that’s causing the inconsistency. Pull them aside and connect on their level of understanding to probe and decide after hearing their side of the story. You fear that you will be viewed as a hypocrite for parting ways with them, but you cannot keep them in position out of guilt. This may cause you to part ways with this person, but as long as it’s for the greater good and the communication is clear, they will understand.



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