Dimming your own light?

by | Nov 14, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To Whom It Resonates: There’s an energy of a person who is fighting through a whole lot personally and professionally. You have a determined spirit and will not stop until you persevere. This is a great attitude to have and it’s helped you to be successful, but there are some challenges. Sagittarius, Aries, Leo energies are present. Lately, you have been irritable and knick picking at things that do not suit your liking which may cause conflict. I also sense that you may be knick picking at yourself and being highly critical and that’s dangerous because you will certainly scare and intimidate your inner child with these habits. When the inner child is afraid, one of two things will occur; 1) rebellious behavior or 2) withdrawing from friends and family. The root of the issue is that you are obsessively thinking about the pros and cons of a situation not working out. In addition, you’re considering shortcuts that you typically would not. You’ve been spending less time with close friends and have withdrawn yourself to focus on your work or getting your mind in order, but you’ve withdrawn yourself for so long that people aren’t inviting you out anymore. You’re dimming your own light and becoming your own worst enemy. You know what’s missing? The fun. You sucked the life out of your day-to-day living and have become so serious that your solar plexus chakra is suffering. Ask yourself, “What am I afraid of?” Your guides are challenging you to see the light in every situation and tap into you WHY again. Start by rallying your close friends/family for a conversation over drinks to express your recent feelings. It’ll turn things around rather quickly. Also remember that balance between work and play is important. You cannot just be all work & no play.



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