Chin up love.

by | Jul 7, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To Whom It Resonates: I sense that someone is being isolated from a group of friends or work colleagues due standing on their values. They haven’t really disclosed to you why they’re not inviting you out anymore but that is the reason why. They believe that you are always spoiling the fun or going by the book. This can also be an energy of discord in an intimate relationship where your values were taken for granted or ignored & now your person has flipped the script & gone cold on you. Your spirit guides are telling you not to worry, this too shall pass. This separation whether it’s between you & your colleagues or you and your person, had to occur to show you that you should NEVER compromise what you believe to accommodate ANYONE. The right people for you would not put you in that position. Gemini, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio energies are present. Work on yourself and look within to see why you are so accepting of things that mean you no good. Why don’t you feel worthy of healthy relationships? Take the time to do the things that you love and have been ignoring while you were dealing with these people and your world will brighten in a major way. Chin up love..



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