Change of scenery.

by | Jun 8, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: I sense that there is a major decision that will have to be made regarding a change of scenery. I feel the energy of someone releasing a debilitating way of living that stagnated your growth and freedom. You have to get serious about this and make a plan and make a move, NOW. Your spirit guides sees how unsettled you are but this change will take some effort and a disconnection from your old ways. You may be used to looking in the past and comparing what you’ve done to where you are now and it’s intimidating. It’s as if you lost your way with who you are to become, but you are not lost at all. I sense an energy of being so confused because you do not have a solid plan, but the minute you make a small plan, you will have BIG RESULTS, if you simply, follow through. Gemini, Aquarius, Libra energies are present. Your spirit guides wants you to embody the courage of a lion and you are one step away from changing it all for the greater good and living that life you dream of. Just go for it.



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