A better understanding.
by Cherokee | Jun 10, 2022 | Monthly Readings
To whom it resonates: I sense that you may have been trying to keep your family together and you are emotional and physically exhausted. You may be dealing with a partner that has withdrawn emotionally or they have a hard time expressing their feelings so it puts you...Change of scenery.
by Cherokee | Jun 8, 2022 | Monthly Readings
To whom it resonates: I sense that there is a major decision that will have to be made regarding a change of scenery. I feel the energy of someone releasing a debilitating way of living that stagnated your growth and freedom. You have to get serious about this and...money talk.
by Cherokee | Jun 7, 2022 | Monthly Readings
To whom it resonates: You may have been pondering about how you will make an impact this month to increase your finances. I see that you are sitting on an innovative new idea and you will need to pitch it with confidence to get that funding that you need. Take your...Reach out.
by Cherokee | Jun 6, 2022 | Monthly Readings
To whom it resonates: I sense that someone feels stuck in their situation. You daydream quite often about what things could possibly be but you have gotten so comfortable with the way that things are, that you are not making a real effort to see any changes. I see...New beginnings.
by Cherokee | Jun 5, 2022 | Monthly Readings
To Whom it Resonates: Your situation may seem hard to read at the moment but you can feel the transformation fast approaching. You didn’t go through hell and high waters just to tap out now. I sense that you may be struggling with hearing your intuition because...
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