Time & resources.
by Cherokee | Sep 13, 2022 | Monthly Readings
To whom it resonates: I sense that someone feels the pressures of reaching their goals before what they are recognizing as, “Too Late.” You are creating quick get rich ideas and trying to facilitate them in the best, most ethical ways possible. However,...Keep Moving.
by Cherokee | Sep 12, 2022 | Monthly Readings
To whom it resonates: I sense that you are over and done with being physically available for family who constantly have.been hurting you in the same ways redundantly. You seem to feel a sense of responsibility, to ensure that things are always in order, even when they...Be Patient.
by Cherokee | Sep 6, 2022 | Monthly Readings
To whom it resonates: You knew that this change would not be easy but you should give yourself the credit for taking the initiative. Now that you are caring for yourself and tending to your needs, you will be tempted to fall back into old habits. Your spirit guides...Long Overdue.
by Cherokee | Sep 5, 2022 | Monthly Readings
To whom it resonates: I sense that someone feels as though they may be out of options. You may have exhausted all of your resources and taken on a bit more than you can bare. The straight-forward solution is that you have to make decisions with your mind and not your...SO BEAUTIFUL & PURE.
by Cherokee | Sep 4, 2022 | Monthly Readings
To whom it resonates: You are a strong-willed person who always seems to have the right answers, even when you are unsure of yourself at first. You move in a magical way that inspires the people around you to see the highest potential in them self which is so...
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