Break the ties.

by | Jul 23, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: I can see that you are trying to break ties away from a toxic situation or maybe habits that create toxic environments for you. I sense that you want to make amends with someone. This person could be an individual that you respect and admire but you have since disrespected with inconsiderate behavior. This person could also be yourself. Some of you may have lost touch with who you are by tying your values to your weaknesses. Vibrating on lower frequencies can influence this occurrence in a toxic way. Your struggle is seeing your way out a habit that you are so comfortable with, however, you are going to pull through only if you acknowledge that you are not operating on your highest frequency. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn energies are present. I see you starting a new journey with yourself and taking a leap of faith in a new direction but it will be worth your while. Just think things through and put your best foot forward because you can only go up from here. Your nights of worrying about who you were in the past are coming to an abrupt end. You have to change the your environment AND your insight to see the changes that you expect and you will.



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