Be honest with each other.

by | May 17, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: Someone wants to give you their all. Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio energies are present. They see a future with you but their fear is that you do not have the same views. They may have been trying to come up with creative ways to show you this but you are not budging. You may feel as though you two need time apart to address your individual needs because as a team, you’re are not working well together. I sense an energy of feeling unheard and misunderstood. Sagittarius, Aries, Leo energies are present. Spirit says that you need to give each other time. If you approach the situation as if you have all the answers already, you will not get the best result. Knowing that you have so much to learn and gain from having an open mind and heart is the solution. Someone is always on the defense & that is the root of the issue. I also sense that someone is holding back their true feelings because they fear that being too vulnerable right now, will leave them open to being hurt all over again. I sense that you both want this to work. Gemini, Aquarius, Libra energies are present, and after this resting period, if you are willing to be honest with each other about every single thing, it can work. The keyword is, “Work.”



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