To whom it resonates: Are you uncertain of what your next move should be? Or are you afraid that if you take the next step, the responsibility would be more than you intended for, so you’re not doing anything? You have to go out and get what you truly want because no matter how long you wait and pray about it, the manifestation will only occur when you take the initiative. At that point, you’ll be telling the universe that you deserve what you’re asking for. You may be feeling as though your plans are far beyond your reach, but the beauty in this is that you made plans, you have goals, and you simply need to execute them. In the recent past, You may have had the emotional support and advice from your father or a man in the business who saw your potential. Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio energies are present. They may have taken a step back, not because they don’t believe in you, but because you simply do not believe in yourself enough for them to keep exerting their energy on cheering you on. I see that you can come out of this rut. Losing sight of the vision is a natural occurrence. Sometimes you will get uninspired and discouraged, you wouldn’t be human if this didn’t occur. Now you have to take the time out to find your knack again, and then give 110%, no holding back. You may be uninspired by the conversations that you’re having and the people around you may not be the best influence; CHANGE YOUR ENVIRONMENT. Your fear is that you will lose out if you keep investing the way in which you have. If this is draining you, revamp your approach, try something else, but this will still require an investment. If you make these adjustments now, you will not meet the possible outcome of disharmony and continued confusion. Link with like minds and get to work.