Anxiously waiting.

by | Jul 16, 2024 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To Whom It Resonates: There’s an energy of someone anxiously waiting for a call or any form of communication from someone they desperately want to hear from. In your eyes, this person may be carrying the torch of your relationship, and you have given them the power by leading them to believe you cannot function without them. This dynamic has now caused you literal pain and confusion. The same qualities that attracted you to this person are now plaguing your connection. Why are you giving your power away? It’s because you are not vibrating on your own authentic frequency. You may have allowed this person to gain the upper hand in your mind because they have a manipulative spirit.

Yes, you can love them, but you must also disassociate from the toxic connection that is driving you insane. Real love does not manipulate. You were given the spirit of discernment, so use it. Tap into what you believe is missing from your life and address it. What have you been neglecting for the sake of this connection? Focus on reclaiming your power and realigning with your true self. By doing so, you can restore balance and clarity in your life, freeing yourself from the emotional turmoil that has been holding you back.


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