Acceptance is key.

by | Jun 1, 2022 | Monthly Readings | 0 comments

To whom it resonates: Today you have to tap into yourself and find your strength and courage to keep going. You are very capable of overcoming your current obstacles. So what if you cannot figure out all of the answers right now. focus on what you can do to soothe your mind and achieve your small goals. No matter how small the task, it still counts because at the end of the day, it still has to get done. Take yourself on a lunch date and order something that you have never eaten before, enjoy that moment. You may be so focused on the errors of the past that you aren’t even realizing that you are growing through these stages; this deserves a celebration. You may not realize it at the moment, but you are doing the damn thing. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn energies are present. The idea that you are not winning because your wins aren’t huge or recognized is crazy and you should do away with that idea, especially today. You’re going to adjust to your new norm of constant realizations and although it may be uncomfortable, acceptance is key.



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