To whom it resonates: You’re considering a new business venture or even leaving your current job because you know your worth and are realizing that you have been settling. Your spirit guides are showing you signs that it’s time with those synchronicities and moments of deja vu. Your only setback is knowing when to make that 1st move, but I see that you’re transitioning into the mindset that will aide you in taking the next step. It’s as if you were preparing for this moment through all of your tribulations. Expect to make some big financial moves and connections. Your worth is being seen & acknowledged in rooms that your guides are now granting you the access to. Do not be intimidated by the unknown anymore, this is your lane. Embrace these changes and continue to work on your self love regimen simultaneously and your life is going to blow up in a major way faster than you can fathom. Gemini, Aquarius, Libra energies are present.