To Whom It resonates: I see that you’re making a genuine effort to change the way how you typically do things and it’s working out…for you to say the least. Someone is having a hard time letting go of the old you and you’re not having it. If they do not want better for themself, then why should you sabotage your peace in an effort to accommodate them? You can only take on the emotional baggage of others for so long. You really wanted this connection to grow into something bigger than you but you are dealing with a partner that has limiting beliefs. Unfortunately, you cannot control how people perceive things. you will have a difficult time moving forward if you do not pay attention to what’s important and stop making excuses to keep things the same. Everyone that is in your life right now, is not meant to take this journey with you. Pay close attention to the actions of the one who only fights for you when you take a stand and Never anytime else.