To whom it resonates: I sense that you may have been trying to keep your family together and you are emotional and physically exhausted. You may be dealing with a partner that has withdrawn emotionally or they have a hard time expressing their feelings so it puts you in the position of trying to be the fixer all the time. You have to allow yourself the ease of realizing that at times, you have to take a step back to regroup and understand what it is that you want and assess your true feelings. Sometimes you can get so caught up in the agenda to facilitate peace, that you lose your own peace and that’s dangerous. As of lately, you have been considering that maybe this relationship is not the best one for you, but you still have some fight left in you. You have to trust this process and know that there is a lesson to be learned. If you do not take a step back to hear your intuition out, you will miss this lesson and the experience will repeat itself. Reestablish who you are and stand by your values. Explain what is important to you and set clear boundaries. You cannot procrastinate with this otherwise you will continue to feel the heavy load of this burden. Once you address these things, your partner will respect your mind. I see a renewed relationship with a better understanding. Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Gemini energies are present.